ანესთეზიის აპარატი

Drager Fabius GS Anesthesia Machine

Brand GS
Frequency 50 Hz
Voltage 220 V
Phase Single Phase
Power Source Electric
Usage Hospita


The Drager Fabius GS is an inhalation anesthesia machine used in an operating, induction, and recovery rooms. It can be used with O2, N2O, and AIR supplied by a medical gas pipeline system or have externally mounted gas cylinders. The Fabius GS is equipped with a compact breathing system that provides fresh gas decoupling, PEEP, and pressure limitation. This anesthesia machine has 5 main ventilation options that include; Volume Controlled Ventilation, Pressure Controlled Ventilation, Pressure Support, Manual Ventilation, and Spontaneous Breathing. It’s equipped with an electrically driven and electronically controlled ventilator that monitors for airway pressure (P), volume (V), and inspiratory oxygen concentration (FiO2).
Price Range: Rs 200000-850000/Unit