დარტყმით ტალღოვანი თერაპია

The ergonomic ultrasound transducers 360° offer maximum safety and reliability in terms of power output. They combine 1 and 3 MHz ultrasound in an extremely durable and biocompatible titanium transducer, thereby excluding metallurgical deposits and are also suitable for subaqueous treatment. The innovative joint technology enables different types of handle and thus user-friendly operation, aimed at meeting the demands of different treatment settings and anatomical conditions.


Two-channel electrotherapy including 22 currents
Alternating and simultaneous stimulation
Spasticity treatment acc. to Hufschmidt or Jantsch
Manual release key for emergency shut-off or intentional exercises
Warning in case of intensity exceeding
Simultaneous therapy
Vacuum application with PHYSIOVAC-Evident (option)
Medium frequency currents:

IF (Classic interference current)
AMF (Bipolar interference current)
MT (Medium-frequency muscle stimulation)
KOTS (Russian stimulation)
Low frequency currents:

G (Galvanisation)
GMC (Galvanisation with microcurrent)
DF (Diadynamic current diphasé fixe)
MF (Diadynamic current monophasé fixe)
CP (Diadynamic current modulé en courtes périodes)
LP (Diadynamic current modulé en longues périodes)
RS (Diadynamic current)
UR (Ultra stimulation current acc. to Träbert)
HV (High voltage current)
TENS (Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation)
MENS (Electric nerve stimulation with microcurrent)
IG 30 (Pulse galvanization 30)
IG 50 (Pulse galvanization 50)
FM (Frequency-modulated current)
STOCH (Stochastic current)
FaS (Faradic surge current)
HVS (Current mode with high voltage stimulation characteristics)
T/R (Pulses with adjustable parameters)

Faradic excitability test
Medium-frequency test (Lange)
Accommodation quotient
I/T curve